
Chiropractic Boosts Your Immune System!

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a growing concern and updates are being released every day. Although the current statistics of this virus, relative to the action that is being done, may seem extreme to many, it is clear that we are practicing an overabundance of caution. We want to take this opportunity to ensure your health and wellbeing at Discover Hea...

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  2097 Hits

Posture and Mood

Have you ever noticed that when you're feeling less than stellar, say, perhaps a little bit stressed or depressed about something, you tend to hunch down with shoulders rolled inward? This posture generally signifies that your body is in protection mode. But something you may not have noticed, is that even if you're not experiencing stress, you may...

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  1881 Hits

What To Do After A Car Accident

Unfortunately, once in a while, someone you or someone you know will get into a car accident. The most important thing is to not panic, get out of the car and make sure you're okay make sure your friends and family that were driving with you are okay and make sure the other driver is okay too. Once that happens, let's get all our ducks in a row. Wh...

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  1676 Hits

Three Causes of Subluxations: Thoughts, Trauma, and Toxins

In 1910, D.D. Palmer identified the causes of vertebral subluxation as the Three T's— thoughts, trauma and toxins. These basic concepts he laid down for the profession he founded have survived the test of time. So how do the Three T's cause subluxation and affect the function of the nervous system as a whole? Trauma Let's consider the area of traum...

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  3670 Hits

What Are The Risks and Side Effects Of Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a natural form of healthcare and because it's non-invasive and doesn't involve the use of drugs or surgery it's generally regarded as extremely safe. A chiropractor will do a very careful case history and examination and choose the proper techniques and protocols that are right for your health history, for your body type, and for yo...

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  1683 Hits

Chiropractic Care For Migraines

We thought it would be important to share with you some of the things that we would do for patients who have problems with migraines. If you or someone you know has been experiencing migraines let's make sure to share this with them. One of the unique things that Discover Health and Wellness Uptown does for people who have difficulty with migraine ...

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  1303 Hits

Is Sitting Around Really Bad For You?

With all the craziness going on outside in today's world, you might be tempted to snuggle down into the safety of your sofa and simply avoid all the bad stuff out there. But is sitting around more dangerous than you think? It's a sad fact of life that everything we do – including the things we decide not to do – has consequences. And there's mounti...

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  1048 Hits

7 Tips To Make Eating Healthy Easier

 It seems that people in general want to eat healthy, but they just don't have enough time. Sometimes we associate eating healthy with being expensive and we would like to dispel that thought. Sure you can probably get a Big Mac or a burrito for less than you would buying groceries or items to prepare a meal. However, if you plan and shop prop...

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  1112 Hits

Does Chiropractic Relieve Stress?

One of the things that my patients report to me is that one of the most profound effect a chiropractor has on them, is their ability to reduce their stress level and also recover from stress. Our cranium and our spine house our brain and spinal cord. And all of the spinal nerves that are exiting the spine, innervate every single organ and cell in o...

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  1956 Hits

Does An Apple A Day Really Keep The Doctor Away?

Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? That's a public health message that's been around since 1866, but is it true? You don't know until you put it to the test. The "Association Between Apple Consumption and Physician Visits," published in the AMA's internal medicine journal. Objective: To examine the relationship between eating an apple...

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  1471 Hits

Exercise, Stress, and the Brain

Exercise is interesting in terms of effects on the brain because it works in about 4 or 5 different ways. One of the most obvious ways is blood flow. If you get your heart working, your brain is going to be filled with oxygen rich blood and nutrients, so that's the main way that it helps. The other way that's sort of interesting, is it's been thoug...

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  1250 Hits

Get Better Sleep This Spring

Spring is a time of growth and progress, but it is also a time for seasonal joint pain. Changes in temperature, humidity, and air pressure can affect your joints and cause you to feel pain, especially if you have prior injuries or arthritis. Plus, overlooked minor injuries from the winter ski season can quickly lead to chronic pain. Sleep is a nece...

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  1031 Hits

Head Cold, Go Away! Boost Your Immune System With Chiropractic

Colostrum exists as one of the strongest immune-boosting substances in world. This potent form of breast milk delivers a vital immune system boost to newborn babies in the first 72 hours of life. The potency stems from a specific ingredient called IgA (ImmunoGlobulin A). Increased IgA in the blood and lymph tissue boosts immunity throughout the ent...

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  1268 Hits

Infertility And How Chiropractic Can Help

Infertility is a challenge of the reproductive system that impairs one of the body's most basic functions; conception. Infertility impacts about 6.1 million couples in the United States. If you haven't struggled with it yourself, chances are, you know someone who has. Causes Of Infertility The cause can be both male and female related. In males, th...

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  965 Hits

Finding Relief Without Drugs

Bottom Line: With the opioid crisis affecting millions of people, it may come as no surprise that there's probably someone in your circle of friends and family struggling with opioid misuse or addiction. For those people, it can feel nearly impossible to find a way out. That potent combination of pain relief and euphoria characteristic of opioids m...

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  1918 Hits

Neck Pain Tips & Exercises

The first step is to take note of your everyday posture. If your job requires a lot of phone use, consider wearing a headset. Do you slouch when you watch TV? Lie on the couch? Choose to sit upright, in a posture-supporting chair. When studying or reading, avoid putting the book or magazine on a flat surface. Instead, consider using a book prop. If...

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  968 Hits

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

 One in three Americans do not get adequate sleep. The tips in this announcement from the CDC are right on. Remember, the body heals during sleep hours. Without it, we don't recover from the chemical, emotional and structural stresses and assaults of the past day. Are you getting enough sleep? Peop...

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  1145 Hits

Take A Deep Breath – Stress and Degenerative Disease

Every day a vast majority of people in the United States are in a state of worry: about money, children, jobs, a spouse or significant other, or hundreds of other things or events, whether they can be controlled or not. Some people are very aware of the strain and tension in their life, but many live with stress that cannot be seen, or are unwillin...

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  1013 Hits

Car Accident Chiropractor

Being in a car accident is a traumatic experience. It can shake you up, wreck your car and leave you damaged and bruised. In addition to major injuries, you can suffer from a whole host of issues, including whiplash, stiffness, headaches, hip pain, knee pain, blurred vision, dizziness, reduced range of motion and fatigue. These symptoms don't alway...

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  1603 Hits

Mid Back Pain Chiropractor

The following information is from the National Institutes of Health which gives an excellent summary on back pain: If you've ever groaned, "Oh, my aching back!", you are not alone. Back pain is one of the most common medical problems, affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives. Back pain can range from a dull, constant ache to a ...

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  2705 Hits
Uptown Denver Chiropractic