
7 Tips To Make Eating Healthy Easier

 It seems that people in general want to eat healthy, but they just don't have enough time. Sometimes we associate eating healthy with being expensive and we would like to dispel that thought. Sure you can probably get a Big Mac or a burrito for less than you would buying groceries or items to prepare a meal. However, if you plan and shop prop...

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Exercise, Stress, and the Brain

Exercise is interesting in terms of effects on the brain because it works in about 4 or 5 different ways. One of the most obvious ways is blood flow. If you get your heart working, your brain is going to be filled with oxygen rich blood and nutrients, so that's the main way that it helps. The other way that's sort of interesting, is it's been thoug...

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4 Reasons To Visit A Chiropractor-Even if your back doesn’t hurt

 People visit chiropractors everyday for different reasons and chiropractic offers many benefits beyond treating back pain, neck pain, or headaches. I'm going to share with you some of the lesser-known benefits of chiropractic care and why you should visit a chiropractor even if your back doesn't hurt. Reason #1: Improved Sleep I hear far too ...

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Take A Deep Breath – Stress and Degenerative Disease

Every day a vast majority of people in the United States are in a state of worry: about money, children, jobs, a spouse or significant other, or hundreds of other things or events, whether they can be controlled or not. Some people are very aware of the strain and tension in their life, but many live with stress that cannot be seen, or are unwillin...

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Uptown Denver Chiropractic