
What To Do After A Car Accident

Unfortunately, once in a while, someone you or someone you know will get into a car accident. The most important thing is to not panic, get out of the car and make sure you're okay make sure your friends and family that were driving with you are okay and make sure the other driver is okay too. Once that happens, let's get all our ducks in a row. Wh...

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  1664 Hits

Does An Apple A Day Really Keep The Doctor Away?

Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? That's a public health message that's been around since 1866, but is it true? You don't know until you put it to the test. The "Association Between Apple Consumption and Physician Visits," published in the AMA's internal medicine journal. Objective: To examine the relationship between eating an apple...

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  1456 Hits

Get Better Sleep This Spring

Spring is a time of growth and progress, but it is also a time for seasonal joint pain. Changes in temperature, humidity, and air pressure can affect your joints and cause you to feel pain, especially if you have prior injuries or arthritis. Plus, overlooked minor injuries from the winter ski season can quickly lead to chronic pain. Sleep is a nece...

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  1020 Hits

What Is The Popping Sound During Chiropractic Adjustments?

 Everybody wants to know what the popping sound is during chiropractic adjustments. Simply put, chiropractors adjust synovial joints and synovial joints is an area where two bones almost touch. It's surrounded by a joint capsule that's filled with fluid called synovial fluid. When we do adjustments at Discover Health and Wellness Uptown, we si...

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  1060 Hits

Finding Relief Without Drugs

Bottom Line: With the opioid crisis affecting millions of people, it may come as no surprise that there's probably someone in your circle of friends and family struggling with opioid misuse or addiction. For those people, it can feel nearly impossible to find a way out. That potent combination of pain relief and euphoria characteristic of opioids m...

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  1910 Hits

How To Find A Good Chiropractor

In order to find a good chiropractor, there are some questions you need to ask. First and foremost, do they do a full exam? Meaning, do they do orthopedic, nuerological, and a full exam? Every chiropractic office is a little bit different, but those are the most important things to look for because you don't want someone guessing on your health. Se...

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  1104 Hits

Low Back Pain Chiropractor

The following information is from the National Institutes of Health which gives an excellent summary on back pain: mid back pain chiropractorIf you've ever groaned, "Oh, my aching back!", you are not alone. Back pain is one of the most common medical problems, affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives. Back pain can range from a...

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  1133 Hits

Seeking Chiropractic Care: What You Need to Know

 Do you suffer from pain, discomfort, or have difficulty moving? Whether that pain is caused by arthritis, an injury, or if you don't know the cause, you may consider chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is a natural way to seek pain relief. With proper treatment, that relief will be long-term and long-lasting. However, if this is your first t...

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  1010 Hits

What’s the Difference Between a Chiropractor and a Physical Therapist?

 When making a decision to seek pain relief, the first focus should be on what type of medical professional you are going to see. To do so, it is important to understand the difference between chiropractic care and physical therapy. The three main differences between chiropractors and physical therapists are Treatment PhilosophyEducationClinic...

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  4164 Hits

“Wow, I wish I had come in sooner.” – The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Sound familiar? After waking up with a stiff neck one morning, you notice every tiny movement you make for several days. In a moment, agonizing back pain consumes you after leaning over to pick up something dropped from the floor. The pain is nearly unbearable and you find no relief whether you're standing, sitting or lying down. A simple movement ...

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  1327 Hits
Uptown Denver Chiropractic