By Super User on Friday, 01 September 2023
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Is Seeing a Chiropractor Good After a Car Accident?

Being in a car accident can cause more than just surface injuries. The force of impact strains muscles, damages connective tissue, and jars vertebrae out of place. Even without broken bones, car crash injuries often result in ongoing back and neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and other issues.

That's why visiting a chiropractor soon after a collision is highly recommended. Chiropractic care realigns the spine, reduces soft tissue inflammation, and helps injured areas heal properly.

Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of seeing a chiropractor after a car accident, when to start treatment, how chiropractic helps you recover, and tips for finding the right chiropractor.

Why Chiropractic Care is Recommended After Auto Accidents

Chiropractic complements other medical treatment to address accident injuries in these key ways:

These benefits make chiropractic a smart addition to your accident recovery plan.

When to Start Chiropractic Care After an Auto Collision

Seeing a chiropractor right away after a crash promotes the fastest healing. The first 2 weeks are most critical. Benefits of early chiropractic include:

Of course, it's important to rule out any life-threatening injuries first and undergo needed emergency medical care. However, once cleared, starting chiropractic within days after an accident provides major advantages.

Most chiropractors offer same-day appointments for crash victims. Don't delay getting on the schedule.

How Chiropractic Treatments Help You Recover from Auto Injuries

Specific hands-on chiropractic techniques relieve car accident pain and address underlying dysfunction:

A chiropractor will tailor a multi-pronged treatment plan using combinations of these techniques based on your unique injury picture.

Chiropractic Care for Common Car Accident Injuries

No two collisions result in the exact same injuries. But some of the more common car accident injuries chiropractors successfully treat include:

The holistic approach of chiropractic care makes it effective for resolving a wide array of collision injuries, large and small.

Chiropractic Care Combined with Other Therapies

While extremely beneficial on its own, chiropractic works best alongside other therapies for a comprehensive recovery plan. Typical combinations include:

A blended treatment approach allows car accident victims to recover faster and more completely.

Tips for Finding the Best Chiropractor After a Car Crash

Not all chiropractors have specialized training in auto injury rehabilitation. Look for these traits:

The right chiropractor will make car accident recovery smooth from diagnosis through rehabilitation.

Don't Delay Chiropractic After Your Accident

Crash-related injuries rarely fully resolve on their own. Lingering pain, reduced mobility, headaches and ongoing numbness/tingling are signals it's time to seek chiropractic care.

With their whole-body approach focused on injury rehabilitation, chiropractors help auto accident victims:

Don't wait to start recovery – early chiropractic intervention leads to the best outcomes long-term.

Dr. Wood at Uptown Denver Chiropractor has helped hundreds rebuild their health after car accidents. His expertise spans the most common injuries from whiplash to disc issues. Dr. Wood incorporates massage, physical therapy, laser therapy, supplements, and education to help patients quickly bounce back.

If you were injured in an auto collision, call Dr. Wood today to schedule an evaluation. The sooner you start chiropractic care, the faster you'll be on the road to feeling like yourself again.