Chiropractic Treatment for Neck Pain: What to Expect
Chiropractors take a comprehensive approach to treating neck or cervical pain. One of the first things a chiropractor will do is a case history and examination of not only your neck, but of your entire musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors want to understand how the rest of your body is affecting your neck. We also want to know what specific structures in your neck vertebra, nerves, joints, and muscles might be causing your pain. An orthopedic and neurological exam is administered as well.
Traditional Chiropractic Techniques For Neck PainOnce your chiropractor understands which structures are causing your pain or discomfort, there are many techniques available to treat it. The traditional chiropractic techniques involve a very specific thrust applied to the vertebrae in the cervical region. You may hear a sound that's a little louder than other adjustments because it's so close to your ear. But the adjustments are actually very gentle and patients report that there is no pain or usually very little pain associated with these adjustments at all.
Most patients report that they feel a tremendous sense of relief right after the adjustment. Patients have also reported an increased range of motion, decreased inflammation, and relaxation of the muscles. Chiropractors may also use other chiropractic adjusting techniques that are more gentle to restore the normal motion of the vertebrae or subluxation in the cervical spine.
Chiropractors also employ a wide variety of other modalities that they can incorporate into your sessions to reduce pain and inflammation. Chiropractors may use heat or ice applied locally to the muscles. They may use ultrasound or cold laser. There are also stretching techniques and exercises that they may recommend to restore the normal biomechanics of the cervical spine.
Advise and Recommendations For Neck PainChiropractors will also advise you on postural issues that may be affecting your spine. There are so many things we do every day, from carrying heavy hand bags or backpacks on our shoulders, sitting at a computer for long hours, or using handheld devices that may cause neck pain. Even sleeping positions, the choice of a pillow, or how you sit when you read a book or watch TV, can play a major role in not only causing neck pain, but also in your recovery.
It's really important to follow any recommendations your chiropractor makes for home care. The way you take care of your neck at home can play a major role in how fast your neck recovers. It also can play a major role in preventing problems in the future!
A lot of people ask what chiropractic treatment for neck pain is like. The truth is that the treatment depends on a lot of factors, including the cause and origin of the pain. Call us for a consultation or for our New Patient Special, and we'll work together to create a treatment plan customized for you.
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